Evolving With New Experiences...

coastal abstract art painting


I hope you've had a good bank holiday weekend? Mine has been calm and thoughtful, similar to the past few weeks after returning from a family holiday. This was our first overseas holiday since 2018 so we were very grateful to get away. We went to Tunisia for the first time and it was very hot! I now feel relaxed, grounded and energised to make new work. If you've had a chance to take a break this summer, I hope it was relaxing and enjoyable for you as well.

The picture above is a close-up of a recent artwork named "A Smile Of Light" which I created in May/June. It has been entered into a prestigious art open call so fingers crossed it gets selected! Over this year, I've been working on blending my expressive style with a touch of my impression style. It's been interesting to see my art evolve, and I hope you like this new evolution too? My art reflects what's happening in and around me, and as I keep learning and experiencing new things, my work naturally shifts as well. I've surrendered to these shifts.

For the rest of this year, I'm focusing on creating larger pieces. Making art on a gallery or museum scale has been a longstanding dream of mine so I've recently started working on a new 6ft piece (shown below). I can see an essence of the holiday in this and I'm eager to see how it unfolds!

I will soon finish a current commission and will be able to take on another one so please do get in touch if you have something in mind...either from my expression style, impression style or a combination of both...?

Otherwise, wishing you a great week and wonderful September ahead - Its my favourite month as it will be my birthday on the 2nd : )

abstract art painting

With Love, Light & Gratitude,