Flux Art Exhibition 2023 & New Abstract Painting.


I would like to invite you to the private viewing of my next art event; Flux Exhibition. I'm very grateful to be showing my bold abstract expression works at what promises to be a fun and spectacular exhibition including performance artists and live music.

Please use code: XmasFlux for your free private view tickets at this link; https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/flux-exhibition-piccadilly-10th-edition-celebration-tickets-689234538057

You can learn more about Flux Exhibition here: https://www.fluxexhibition.com/


I will be showing this work above: Balance Between Chaos & Control alongside 5 other bold and colourful abstracts at Flux, however, If you would like to own this piece before its shown at the exhibition, please click the image to purchase it on my website.

The collection can also be seen here; https://courtenaykusitorart.com/collections/abstract-expression


This is the last summer inspired painting of '23 is;
Note To Self: There Is A World Outside.
Ink and oil on hand made cotton.
100cm h x 70cm w.
Close up photo below, this one is full of texture!

Finally, here is an exclusive detailed look at what will probably be my final painting of 2023. The current theme is: Childhood Nostalgia. This is my first attempt at what I'm hoping to be a series of works for the new year which hopefully uncovers why I have such an affinity with intense bold colours...its got something to do with my heritage :)


Thank you for taking the time to read my art blog. 

With Gratitude,