Next Up: Dulwich Festival Artist Open House


Thank you so much for reading my blog. I love meeting art lovers and collectors in person and I’m grateful to keep the dialogue going over email. It’s been a few weeks since I took part in The Other Art Fair and I could do it all again! :).

This is my fourth year doing TOAF and every fair is always different from the last. Although, there are a few things that stay consistent; the hard work by the fair team who put on what I believe is the best art fair for independent emerging, and established artists and the thousands of visitors who come along to view, support and buy our works. If you made it to the show, thank you! If you’ve joined my newsletter because we met at the show, thank you so much! I’ll be sure to send out free tickets again for the next one - It truly is a wonderful experience. I always say it makes for a great date or family day out.

Since the show, five of my new original paintings have been reserved for an opportunity with a UK art consultancy. The collaboration has been a long time coming and I’m really grateful to have connected with them again at the fair. I’m allot more productive with my new colour series therefore, another avenue to show my work to new audiences is always appreciated.

Next: Artist Open House From 11th May...

Firmly in the diary is my spring Artist Open House which is part of the Dulwich Festival. It will be held on the 11th & 12th + 18th & 19th of May at my home studio in Herne Hill, South East London.This year, I will be exhibiting with another artist who is a dear friend and fellow ArtCan member - Luana Asiata. There will be more information to come in April’s newsletter, in the meantime, please save one of these dates for a visit.

There will be many other artists opening up their studios, It’s a great way to discover my local area of Herne Hill / Dulwich and meet the artists in their homes and creative habitats. Last year, I gained a new collector from New York who was visiting a friend and came along to the open studio. Please feel free to invite your family and friends, everyone is welcome!

Next in the studio...
As I'm writing this newsletter, my studio is quite a mess! I try to give myself a week off after doing The Other Art Fair as it’s very physical. I’m planning the big cleanup tomorrow. I started a new painting just before Christmas [above] which has been patiently waiting for me to return back to it. I have a series of works which run concurrently with other series in progress. They all feed into each other but are in slightly different abstract styles. This series which I’m calling “Helpless” is far more intuitive and uses oil paints on my signature hand made cotton substrate. I’m currently on the 5th piece. They’re pretty special to me, I’m able to create them in flow state and despite not yet finishing this one, I already have an idea of how the next will look. I hope to finish this in time for my next newsletter and as a subscriber, you will see the final piece first.

Thank you for taking the time out to read my news, until next time,
With Gratitude,