New Paintings Incoming...

courtenay kusitor estila design co

Hello again!

I hope you have settled well into this new year. I start this first mailer with the news that my work has been published in Estila Co's 50 Artists resource book. The book has been distributed digitally to 500 interior design and styling firms and is available in print by request.

Please let me know if you would like to request a printed copy. This is a great opportunity for my work to be seen by a wider design audience and I'm very grateful for this.

new abstract artist uk_usa

I've started a new series of bold abstract paintings. For the first time, I've had to plan ahead with what I'm making. I usually work intuitively allowing the audio I'm listening to to guide the work that I make, but I'm a big believer in adjusting to the flow of life and for this series, planning over Christmas has been essential as I will be away for two weeks in February and on my return, taking part in The Other Art Fair in March at The Truman Brewery.

The Other Art Fair is a huge part of my income throughout the year. Whilst I'm looking for Gallery representation, this allows me to fund my practice and its where I have met allot of my collectors. I will send you complimentary tickets for the private view as soon as they are released. To receive complimentary tickets, please sign up to my mailing list here. 

In this new series, I've been thinking about my relationship with colour, after my head trauma, I found that I was much more aware of vivid colours in nature, this made me want to work with the most intense and bold colours I could find or mix. This is why colour has played an important part in my work to date. I'm looking at colour psychology along with composition and atmosphere with these new works. The section above of work in progress sees the introduction of new shades which I hope will have visually and emotionally therapeutic qualities: the colour Jade symbolises Growth & Renewal. Pink for Balance & Hope, Peach for Calm and Peace.

I'm looking forward to sharing photos of the final paintings with you in due course.

We Are All Children Of The Universe - Original Abstract Art

We Are All Children Of The Universe - Original Abstract Art

If you are new to my newsletter, you may not have seen my previous series of works. Therefore, going forward, I'll try to end each newsletter with an original painting or print from my early works which are available to own.

With Love & Gratitude,